March 12th, 2024

Editors Note: Reo's was an interesting story where his past life Clear situation came into view while at the tail end of ARC Straightwire. The ARC Straightwire Grade of auditing on the Indpendent Scientology Grade Chart discharges a case of Dianetic locks and improves a person's recall or memory. In this case, it worked even better than imagined! In result, we are including his ARC Straight Wire Success and Clear Certainty attest here on the same page.

ARC Straightwire Success Story

I picked up so much more on whole track incidences;  some being brought to attention once again and others of which I am already familiar. The difference is that I expanded and opened some of them up a lot more to where I gained even greater understanding of the whole picture, this brought peace and calm and we uncovered more and more.

Eventually we got to what was to be our last session on ARC Straightwire where upon getting on the cans I had a cognition that.. Hey Jon ( my auditor), you know I have this sense that I am standing on the train tracks and there’s a train pushing me and no matter how much I could push it back during a lifetime it would somehow in time be right back in front of me pushing me back again!

Today was different, I realized I put the damn thing there in the first place I had been mocking it up all this time and in that instance I blew it off the track and out of existence knowing now that I have always been able to hold my own. I suppose I needed a game to test myself and forgot I ever put it there which is part of the game as well, the o’l lets see if you can win the game even in forgetfulness!

Well I was in it for a long time. I don’t advise it of course but I’m finding my way again and I know now that the train will never push me around ever again.

Clear Certainty Rundown Attest

First of all when I woke this morning and as amazing as I was feeling from session the day before, I didn’t realize that today I would not only attest to ARC Straight Wire but also as per my Case Supervisor (C/S), I would  be run on the Clear Certainty Rundown (CCRD) as well to clear up and check this area of case.

First, I attest to ARC Straight Wire (ARC-SW) after writing my success story I’m very happy with how things have played out and continue to progress.

Coming off of that I'm thinking “YES! Another day down and a step forward in case gain” today is a good day and I thought “we're done” as usual.

Not so, there was to be a few more steps, one is an interview checking an origination from yesterdays session and an earlier origination a few days prior.

My auditor is checking over Casesupervisor step notes and explains: “Some days ago during session you originated the possibility of being Clear before, so we are going to check that, and get clarity on it”.

“We are going to run as per C/S instruction the Clear Certainty Rundown (CCRD)”

At this point I’m still blowing fuses on the ARC-SW and the realizations there so by now I’m almost totally lost for words while in amazement, awe, excitement happiness etc. My auditor reads the CCRD reference reality factor so I acknowledge and understand it.

We start doing the CCRD and I’m blind as to what may lay ahead, what am I suppose to do or find here? All of a sudden Bang! I get a split second flash of a person enough to make out a Male 43, smokes, is wearing a brown blazer, white shirt, and the visual is as if a co-audit I am being audited by this person in a slightly dim room by way of natural light coming in from the window at the back, and to the right side of the auditor there is the smell of a recently smoked cigarette.

So, on March the 13th 1952 at 2:23:16 PM I went Clear.

The moment I recalled it in the now, present time, I felt what could be described as an internal energetic waterfall flooding from the top of my head down to my toes. I would say its the feeling of the bank dissolving right there. This happened a couple of times while on the cans to which I hear my current life auditor say “there it is!” as the acknowledgement to the phenomena of the State of Clear he then says “I’d like to indicate that on such and such a date and time you attained the State Of Clear, (sic - "Welcome Brother!”) It was so validating I was speechless because I was still in cognitions and of which I will attest very soon. (And I did!)

Who does that?……well I do, and I know I’m not the only one either before this moment and or after it. It took me 40 odd years in this lifetime to find my way back and I'm telling you I’ve never given up ever trying to find help to restore it, it was only a matter time.

Though I am overly amazed and honoured to even be doing this I am so humbled and grateful to the Advanced Org of the Great Plains (AO-GP) and all of whom are working hard out front and behind the scenes to wake us all up from our slumber.

To my auditor, Jonathan,  you're the fuckin man(!!!), and of course LRH!

Just thank you, from the bottom of this heart, and my previous one as well.
