13 January, 2024

Solo 2 was very, very helpful and exactly what I needed!!! When I started Solo 2 I was not that confident in Solo Auditing. As I was going through the Solo 2 Student C/S’s all that changed dramatically. It was exactly what I needed at the proper gradient.

As I went through them I acquired the experience and confidence in Solo Auditing and also cleaned up my case at the same time. I also found areas in my work space that needed change and improvement.

I made many changes and developed improvements in holding my work sheets on an angle, so I could see the meter and worksheets much easier. I also developed a means of holding my Tablet, on an angle, over the keyboard so I could see the meter and materials, on my Tablet, at the same time.

I also made other improvements that made things much easier. At the end I now feel fully qualified as a Solo Auditor.

Feels Great!

Thank you Ron and Jonathan very much!!!!!