January 13, 2024

When I started OT I I didn't have any idea what the EP was.

OT I was an experience and enjoyable at the same time. Now that I know what the EP is I realized that I achieved it before I got halfway through.

It has given me a whole new perspective and a renewed realization just how important Independent Scientology is!! The misinformation program that has been developed to destroy Scientology (the subject) has to be the biggest travesty ever contrived against mankind.

Before I found Independent Scientology I was certain that I would never achieve OT.

I had tried many times but was stopped each and every time. Then somehow I found  AOGP and all that changed. I am simply amazed how Ron discovered and developed Dianetics and Scientology!

So far it has been an amazing experience and now I am told that full OT is even more amazing.

I can't wait until I achieve full OT!!

I can't thank Ron and Jonathan enough!