Observing the decay of moral values in society, in 1981 Ron wrote The Way to Happiness - a common-sense guide to help people live happier lives. His intention was that the book be passed on from person to person in a grass-roots movement that would reverse the downward spiral of declining morality. Shortly after The Way to Happiness made its appearance, Ron also announced a new auditing rundown called the Happiness Rundown, its purpose was to help remove barriers an individual might encounter in following the moral precepts The Way to Happiness book contains.

In October 1981 Ron scripted a special film, “Orientation," intended to orient people, old and new, in Scientology. He also wrote 50 public Dianetics and Scientology motion picture series films to introduce people to the many aspects of these vital subjects.

Ron also completed the scripts for 16 more Technical Training Films, on every aspect of TRs and metering.

1981 was marked by dramatic changes in the Classification and Gradation Chart. First, the routes onto the Bridge were clarified and opened wide to a tremendous influx of new public. The lower levels of auditing and training were also streamlined, making possible much smoother and faster progress upward. A brand-new rundown was released for those who had just achieved the state of Clear: the Sunshine Rundown. Finally, the upper end of the Bridge was revolutionized with the release of three new OT levels: the OT Drug Rundown (New OT IV), the Solo New Era Dianetics for OTs Auditing Course (New OT VI) and Solo New Era Dianetics for OTs (New OT VII).



13th  HCOB Dictionaries






21st  HCOPL  What is a Checksheet


4th  HCO PL  Pinksheets

31st  HCO PL  Giving Starrate Checkouts



7th HCOB  Method 3 Word Clearing

