While supervising the training of a group of auditors selected to deliver a highly precise new auditing rundown, Ron found that many of them had difficulty with their TRs. In 1979 his search for the cause of this one outness and the means to terminatedly handle it led him to a series of discoveries that form the basis for the technology found today in the new Hubbard Professional TR Course, the spectacular Hubbard Key to Life Course and the Hubbard Life Orientation Course.

Ron also restored the technology of co-audits to use with a series of HCOBs telling how to set up and run a successful co-audit. These new issues opened the door to rapid forward progress up the Bridge for all staff members and public.

At the upper end of the Bridge, Ron completed research on Audited NED for OTs and released his discoveries and refinements of its technology to Flag and the Advanced Organizations.

In December, after new refinements of the technology behind a rundown called the Sweat Program, Ron announced a new rundown designed to rid the body of harmful drug residuals and toxic substances. The successes from those who had participated in its piloting credited this new action with remarkable increases in their energy level, alertness, feeling of health and well-being and ability to think clearly. This new program, the Purification Rundown, is in use today throughout the world.

On the administrative front, 1979 saw the development of a powerful new technology for handling slowed or inadequate production: Debug Tech. Consisting of a formidable battery of new technical tools including Crashing Misunderstood Word Finding, False Data Stripping, the Debug Tech Checklist and the Product Debug Repair List, Debug Tech quickly made a terrific impact on production across the planet.

After an extensive study of the subject of marketing, Ron released a series of HCO Policy Letters detailing the exact technology of marketing. Though they apply to the marketing of any product or service, their primary purpose is to greatly speed the expansion of Scientology.


31st HCOB  Mood Drills


3rd  HCOB  Confront Tech Has To Be Part Of The TR Checksheet

7th  HCOB  E-Meter Drill 5RA Can Squeeze

9th  HCOB  How To Defeat Verbal Tech

16th  HCOB  E-Meter Sensitivity Setting





10th  HCOB  Art Series 8  A Professional


17th  HCOB The Misunderstood Word Defined


7th  HCOB False Data Stripping

21st  HCOB  Twinning


2nd  HCOB  Misunderstood Words and Cycles Of Action

23rd  HCOB  Cancellation of Destructive BTBs and BPLs On TRs

25th  HCOB  Urgent and Important - Successful Training Lineup


13th  HCOB  Conceptual Understanding



6th  HCOB  Solo Auditor Drills

24th  HCOB TRs Basics Resurrected