AOGP Tech Blog 30

Artificial Intelligence Comes to Independent Scientology.

June 28th, 2023

Since our last Tech Blog post and podcast about AI/machine learning and what it means to Independent Scientology, we’ve been very busy getting the tech into a generative pre-training transformer or GPT large language model (LLM), much like CHAT GPT. There were a few false starts as the technology is advancing so quickly that new and better options kept manifesting almost daily and still are; things are moving so incredibly fast in the AI field!

This is a revolutionary period on this planet currently, similar in scope to the Gutenberg press, electricity in every home, or the advent of the internet and its “democratization” for the common man.

We quickly realized what large language models meant for Independent Scientology and couldn’t stand idly by. We had to get Ron's data into a LLM database accurately and fast for everyone new and old alike to the subject.

There were and are many hurdles in this evolution, all were easy to get over, but time consuming more than anything. We will save that for the podcast!

If you’ve ever used any of the online LRH materials floating around you will likely know that searching for anything is not one of the strong suits of the PDF documents or MS Word documents to be found, and that is just with any one given document! Not to mention the over 10,000 pages of lecture transcripts for the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, or the over 4600 lectures transcripts from 1950 to 1975 beyond that series of lectures at Saint Hill. Then there is the Tech and Admin dictionaries, Technical Volumes, Policy Volumes, Management Volumes, Sea Org Executive Directives, Key to Life Dictionaries for the English Language, and much, much more.

With AI/machine learning being used with LRH’s materials, anything can be found immediately if it is in the large language model database. A normal conversation, just like you have with a person can now be had with all of the documents that match your search results to get comaprisons, contrasts, highlights, lists, almost anything you want from the data. The you can continue on to add other data and roll from there.

One of the most startling amazing aspects of this technology is that for the first time ever in the subject of Independent Scientology you can search, compare/contrast data from ALL of the LRH lectures alone or in tandem with the technical and policy references. All nearly 5000 LRH lectures have never been searchable before until now. The possibilites are almost endless in the types of conversations you can have with the entirety of LRH’s works.

All cited with a specific reference you can look at with a click of your mouse or a touch of your finger on a tablet. That way you always have the actual LRH source to look at and you can download the color corrected and re-typset bulletins, policies, Sea Org Directives, LRH books, dictionaries and lectures whenever you want.

We took a two prong approach to making this technology available to everyone. We have many specific basic and advanced books available for conversations here on our web site, including the abridged Scientology dictionary for quick and simple definitions those new to the subject.

Welcome to Oracle-Lite:

"Oracle-Lite" here on

Whereas for the entire body of LRH tech, we have made this available to our public, Pre-clears, Pre-OTs and students alike with Oracle-Pro. An all inclusive LLM GPT database of LRHs written and orated works. All searchable by term, name, date, keyword, concept, sentence, you name it.

Everything LRH said is now searchable and ready for inquires via conversation with a documents or all documents. - It is Truly revolutionary.

It's like talking to LRH himself about his life's work.

Some screen shots of Oracle-Pro at work:

A one page example of the "Oracle-Pro" document database page for public.
An example of the single document page in "Oracle-Pro."
A conversation with LRH's Data Series policy letters, note the links citing the references you can choose to view at the bottom in blue text. You can also have a conversation with each individual document if you wish

The use of AI and machine learning to study, or research about Independent Scientology documents is quite a revolutionary thing. The vast amount of information contained in these documents can be overwhelming for even the most dedicated researcher or student. However, with the help of AI and machine learning, you can quickly and efficiently analyze these documents to gain a deeper understanding of the principles and practices of Independent Scientology.

One of the key benefits of using AI and machine learning to learn about Independent Scientology documents is the ability to quickly identify patterns and trends. These technologies can analyze large amounts of data in a matter of seconds, allowing you to identify key themes and concepts that may have been overlooked in the past. This can lead to new insights and a deeper understanding of the principles and practices of Independent Scientology.

Another benefit of using AI and machine learning to learn about Independent Scientology is the ability to identify connections between different documents. By analyzing the language and content of these documents, these technologies can identify similarities and differences that may not be immediately apparent to human researchers. This can help researchers to better understand the evolution of Independent Scientology over time with LRH’s research and the various influences that have shaped its development.

AI and machine learning can also help to identify inconsistencies and contradictions within Independent Scientology documents. By analyzing the language and content of these documents, these technologies can identify areas where different documents may conflict with one another or where there may be gaps in the information provided and is in another body of data you have yet to come across depending on search terms and what you understand so far. This can help you to identify areas where further research is needed and to develop a more complete understanding of Independent Scientology.

Another benefit of using AI and machine learning is the ability to analyze the language and content of these documents in real-time. This can help you to quickly identify key concepts and themes and to develop a deeper understanding of the principles and practices of Independent Scientology. This can also help you to identify areas where further research is needed by you to develop new insights into the nature of Independent Scientology.

Using AI and machine learning to learn about Independent Scientology documents can help to democratize access to this information. By making these technologies available to amuch larger group of people, some for the first time ever, we can ensure that the principles and practices of Independent Scientology are better understood and that new insights and discoveries are made by new and old users alike. This can help to promote greater understanding and dialogue within the broader community of people new to the subject or current practitioners using Independent Scientology in their lives.

In conclusion, the use of AI and machine learning to learn about Independent Scientology documents is truly a game changer! These technologies can help you to quickly and efficiently analyze large amounts of data, identify patterns and trends, and develop a deeper understanding of the principles and practices of Independent Scientology. They can also help to identify connections between different documents, inconsistencies and contradictions within them in your understanding, clear up false data and mis-understood concepts in real-time. By making these technologies available to a wider range of people, we can ensure that the principles and practices of Independent Scientology are better understood and used, and that new insights and discoveries are made for all with the actual acurate and finally unbiased data at everyone's fingertips of Independent Scientology in the 21st century.