"We are All in the Same Room"

November 2, 2022

Nobel Prize? - Finally!

We're back with another blog after a much-needed week's hiatus after a website upgrade!

Recently three physicists were awarded the Physics Nobel prize for their work in the field of quantum entanglement. For the full story, see the Scientific American article below.

The Universe Is Not Locally Real, and the Physics Nobel Prize Winners Proved It
Elegant experiments with entangled light have laid bare a profound mystery at the heart of reality

For a detailed video explanation (though with a few incorrect assumptions at the tail end from an "Earth Scientist" viewpoint), watch the Youtube video below.

You may ask yourself, "What is this all about?" Well, after over 70 years and much debate and experimentation, Earth physics has now proven that the physical universe is just one of two or more if not many universes with this experiment. That's really what this means from an Independent Scientological viewpoint.

Ultimately they found that two photons were inextricably tied with one another despite the distance! In other words, time, distance, nor space had no bearing on their relationship. The photons "knew" what the other was doing every single time. Even though they are mere photons and part of the physical universe, they defied the basic "known" laws of the physical universe regarding its structure despite their distance in a vast universe.

A Very Big Deal

The primary reason this is a huge deal but wholly missed by the scientists is that we are all in the same room regarding being Thetans in the Theta universe. One finds this out on the OT levels, though it varies widely as to when the realization occurs for many and on what level.

As far back as the early days of Hermeticism, they had a clue, if not a knowingness, of this principle, among others. You might even see some shades of Scientology and Dianetic Axioms in the hermetic laws below if you know them well enough. (Forgive the low-resolution image.)

Thousands of years later, "modern" Earth physics has proven it! It's funny how many beings knew this was the case all along, far back on the time track, way before this discovery was tested, argued, and published.

So what? How does this affect me?

It affects you in a super key and sublimely simple way - Dianetics and Scientology work. Subjects that were lectured on in 1951 and 1952 by LRH on the Philadelphia Doctorate Series, Milestone One Lectures, and several others have now been proven by Earth physicists to be factual by demonstration and testing, yet unexplained to them as to why they occur.

LRH defined the Theta universe and its entanglement with the MEST universe through Thetan interaction at the same time Einstein and other notable physicists were initially investigating these very points in quantum physics. But only to be tested and demonstrated some seventy years later when many other scientists had to pave the way for an outcome to be verified.

When a Pre-OT or OT goes in session, we demonstrate these same laws (of the Theta universe). Earth physics is now catching up to us in experiments daily on an awareness and knowingness we have had for decades.

Do you want to find someone you knew lifetimes ago and handle something you were both involved in? Look for them in session, and there they are, no matter where they really are at that moment in the universe, right on your meter. In a universe where Einstein said nothing could travel faster than light, turns out there is no time, no space, and no impossible distance to travel.

If a Pre-OT is set up correctly with proper auditing before the OT levels, one can do these things at the drop of a hat in session and make the theta and MEST universe a saner place for both universes. Just like the tiny little photons in this year's Nobel prize-winning experiment. You don't need a starship to travel after all in some cases.

Please Don't Take my Word for It

The ramifications of this newly verified experiment in Earth terms are staggering for fields such as quantum computing, space travel, communications, and so much more. Not to mention how validating it is to be an Independent Scientologist and know that we are far ahead of the curve here on Earth.

Earth science now sees demonstrably that even the MEST universe is giving away the secrets of the Theta universe utilizing tiny photons to tell them the secret. Unfortunately, these physicists just have to realize what they are truly observing on multiple levels.

But we know, and LRH did 70 years ago this December.

You're a part of this technology - isn't that something?

It truly is.

Want to go in session now that you know what you have at your fingertips?